cat reading a book

Definitely, December sets the tone for lists. Perhaps a countdown to the New year πŸ“† urges us to quantify our experiences, and cross out or add things to our bucket lists. Thus, I’ll follow suit this time by walking you through my “recruiter’s” bookshelf.

Hence, here is my pick: these books helped me to be more equipped for what is next to come, to move the needle and finally to see recruitment from a broader perspective.

In my case, the overarching themes would be:

1. Everything Recruitment: a potpourri of resources to be a better version of yourself as a recruiter

2. Hardcore sourcing (caution: it’s not suitable for those who believe that sourcing is all about LinkedIn 😊)

3. Culture. What does it have to do with recruitment? Cultures are shaping the processes and it holds true the other way around. Every action in talent acquisition stems from the company culture, enhances it or ruins it.

Let’s get the ball rolling.

Everything Recruitment:

Hardcore sourcing:


Here were my top three books in each area. Still, I’d like to add more to the list. Share your picks in the comments!

They say that 2023 is a year of the Water Rabbit 🐰. Whatever that means, one sure thing is that reading will expand your horizons.

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